What I Ate Wednesday #115

Morning! Happy last WIAW of April! I am so excited that May is only a few days away, because you know what that means…summer is just around the corner! I’ve been drinking so many smoothies for breakfast lately that I feel like it’s already summer. Now I just can’t wait for the warmer temps to arrive!


Breakfast on Tuesday morning was this delicious smoothie. It was a Cherry Almond Chia Smoothie, a new combination I really enjoyed. I work really early on Tuesday mornings so smoothies are usually a quick and easy option for me to prep and take to work with me to eat during my meetings. Most people have coffee in their hands and I’m always sipping a smoothie!


Midmorning I ate a plain rice cake. I’ve been having some stomach issues lately and I’ve found eating plain rice cakes help to calm my stomach a bit.


I also snacked on some pecans and raisins.


While on a conference call at work I ate cucumbers and hummus as part of lunch.


Then after the call was finished I ate this deconstructed “cheesy” quinoa broccoli burrito. I tore up a tortilla and put it on the bottom of my bowl, added kale, and then added the burrito filling on top. This dish is actually vegan, and uses nutritional yeast to get a cheesy flavor!


After getting home from work I sat outside for a minute enjoying some carrot orange juice and cereal. I didn’t even finish eating my snack outside though because I got too cold!




For dinner I had homemade hummus that I just whipped up, along with some peashoots, avocado and balsamic, and some pineapple.


Then after doing some cleaning around my apartment and finishing up some paperwork I watched an episode of Hart of Dixie before bed. I enjoyed some dark chocolate chips as I watched! And also a plain rice cake with honey!

Thanks as always to Jenn for hosting this gathering!



What I Ate Wednesday #114

Happy Wednesday! Hope you’ve had a lovely start to your week and that you’ve enjoyed some tasty eats! Today I’m sharing my meals from yesterday. A delicious work day it was!


I started my morning with a banana, raspberry pear smoothie. It also had unsweetened almond milk, flax seed and a few ice cubes. Yum!


For a snack at work I had a plain rice cake. I really love me some rice cakes.


I also snacked on a Chocolate Power Ball that I had made the other night. I got the recipe from my Mom, don’t remember what was all included but they sure were scrumptious.


Lunch was a winner and I cannot wait to have it again today! Kale salad drizzled with balsamic vinegar and topped with brown rice, black beans, sun dried tomatoes and tahini. I also added some fresh avocado after taking the picture.


I had some of this apple at work in the afternoon.


And later I was treated to a piece of “stress relieving” dark chocolate by a colleague. I’ll take a piece of dark chocolate to release a little stress anyday!


After getting home that evening I had a splash of this juice while I was making dinner. It actually tasted quite watered down to me, which was odd. But I guess I was glad that it wasn’t overly sweet!


Dinner was an arugula and pea shoot salad topped with sweet potatoes, bell pepper, BBQ sauce and avocado. Glorious.


And for dessert I enjoyed some cinnamon cereal and dark chocolate chips!

Thanks as always to Jenn for hosting!



Banana Mango Smoothie Love

Another smoothie! Happy Friday to you!


This one features mango, and it is a fruity concoction I’ve been loving lately.


It’s ultra creamy, nutty, and sweet. Yum!

Banana Mango Smoothie Love

Makes one large smoothie

~2 cups of unsweetened almond milk

1 frozen banana

1/2 cup to 1 cup of frozen chopped mango

1/4 cup of old fashioned oats

1 tbsp hemp seeds

2 tbsp of almond butter

Dash of cinnamon

To make this smoothie simply combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth!

What I Ate Wednesday #113!

Hi Friends! Happy Wednesday! Thanks for stopping by to check out another What I Ate Wednesday. Today I’m sharing my eats from last Sunday, a beautiful Spring day here in Wisconsin!


When I woke up it was already bright and sunny I decided to walk to my local bakery and pick up a breakfast treat! I bought this sticky bun which was quite lovely! I didn’t care for the outer croissant-like flaky crust, but the doughy inside was wonderful.


I ran some errands and while at Target picked up this gingerberry kombucha. I had probably a fourth of the bottle. I really liked the flavor and enjoy kombucha, but it just isn’t a beverage I can drink quickly since it is so strong. Good news is I got to enjoy it over the next few days!


While sipping the Kombucha I read outside in the sunshine. Have any of you read this book? Quite good so far!


I wasn’t super hungry for lunch, but I had some sautéed kale, brown rice, and BBQ sauce, along with a carrot and hummus and pineapple. This was the original smooth and creamy hummus from Trader Joe’s and I loved it!


I also snacked on a cinnamon chip cookie I made while soaking up the sun. It wasn’t good. The cookies turned out way too dry to eat on their own, I bet it would be good dipped in almond milk or tea though. I’ll have to try that with the rest!


Later that afternoon I met up with my friend and her boyfriend to walk along the lake! It was much cooler by the lake (like 20 degrees cooler than where I live). We decided to grab warm beverages at the coffee shop before going for our stroll. I got an almond milk chai.


Dinner that night was a massaged kale salad with sweet potatoes, sunflower seeds and stone ground mustard. Pear on the side!


And for dessert I had a few spoonfuls of a new ice cream I bought. The So Delicious coconut milk brand, and the flavor was Mocha Almond Fudge. Pretty darn good!

Hope you have a great rest of your week and don’t forget to stop on over and check out Jenn’s page!



What I Ate Wednesday #112!

Morning all! And happy Wednesday to you! Hope you had a wonderful start to your week and that you’re looking forward to seeing everyone’s eats. Today I’m sharing what I ate this past Saturday, a beautiful spring day I spent up in Green Bay visiting my Dad and Stepmom. I got up Saturday morning and had breakfast before the drive. I had a gluten, soy, and dairy-free english muffin with crunchy almond butter and a banana. The english muffin was okay, it had a bit of a spongy texture and even though I toasted it extra long it never really got crispy…


Once I made it to GB it was warming up a bit and was nice and sunny so I decided to stop and grab a coconut chai tea latte at Starbucks. Apparently I wasn’t the only one with the same idea! I’ve never seen this many people at the drive through at my hometown Starbucks.


I got an iced chai this time, subconsciously hoping that by ordering a cold drink warmer temps will follow!


I was so excited to find a patch of sun that was blocked from the wind in our backyard that I decided to soak it up for a few minutes. Glorious sun, I cannot wait to feel your warmth on a regular basis!


Lunch was a massaged kale salad with sweet potato, quinoa and two types of hummus. I massaged the raw kale with some olive oil and mango balsamic vinegar and it was luscious!


Mid afternoon snack was a homemade Almond Butter Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookie. Gluten, dairy, and soy-free! I have to say these were the best baked goods I’ve made so far since experimenting with gluten-free baking. Yum!


I spent most of the day helping my Dad and Stepmom pack up some things (they’ll be moving down south in the near future), but we all took a nice break for dinner. My Grandma joined us for the meal and the Final Four Badgers game that night! Dinner was a veggie burger crumbled on top of more massaged kale, with a side of roasted cauliflower, chickpeas and olives. So tasty!


I had one more of my cookies that night with the Badgers game, and then went to bed happy as we made it to the national championship game! Sadly it didn’t go as well for us Monday night. Better luck next year!

Thanks again to Jenn for hosting this shindig!




What I Ate Wednesday #111!

Good Morning! Happy April! Has Spring finally arrived for you? I sure hope so! Yesterday and today have been glorious, with temps in the 50s! My eats from yesterday were quite lovely as well. I started my day with a mixed berry smoothie. I added some oats this time which gave it a bit of a doughy texture which I really liked. Ingredients were ~2 cups of unsweetened coconut milk, 1 frozen banana, 1 cup of frozen mixed berries, oats and 2 tbsp of almond butter.


For a snack at work I had some more homemade almond butter balls, which I forgot to snap a picture of. Lunch was a delicious chilled quinoa salad that my Mom made! It had a mix of beans and veggies in it and was so fresh and flavorful! I had some pineapple with lunch as well.


I had a bit of this trail mix that afternoon at work.


And in between work and an appointment I snacked on some carrots and hummus.


I also had some Chex mix cereal as well.


Dinner was fabulous! Two clementines, half an avocado with balsamic vinegar, and a plate of sautéed veggies that included kale, chickpeas, cauliflower, peppers, green beans, coconut oil and spices!


I sipped on some mint tea that evening. Yum!


Dessert was dark chocolate chips. Have you ever tried the Enjoy Life brand!? They are nut, soy, dairy and gluten-free chocolate chips and they are amazing. Ate them while watching Planet Earth. Great way to end the night!


Thanks as always for Jenn for hosting!

